hdmf.spec.spec module
- class hdmf.spec.spec.DtypeHelper
- primary_dtype_synonyms = {'ascii': ['ascii', 'bytes'], 'bool': ['bool'], 'double': ['double', 'float64'], 'float': ['float', 'float32'], 'int': ['int32', 'int'], 'int8': ['int8'], 'isodatetime': ['isodatetime', 'datetime', 'date'], 'long': ['int64', 'long'], 'numeric': ['numeric'], 'object': ['object'], 'short': ['int16', 'short'], 'uint16': ['uint16'], 'uint32': ['uint32', 'uint'], 'uint64': ['uint64'], 'uint8': ['uint8'], 'utf': ['text', 'utf', 'utf8', 'utf-8']}
- recommended_primary_dtypes = ['float', 'double', 'short', 'int', 'long', 'utf', 'ascii', 'bool', 'int8', 'uint8', 'uint16', 'uint32', 'uint64', 'object', 'numeric', 'isodatetime']
- valid_primary_dtypes = {'ascii', 'bool', 'bytes', 'date', 'datetime', 'double', 'float', 'float32', 'float64', 'int', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'int8', 'isodatetime', 'long', 'numeric', 'object', 'short', 'text', 'uint', 'uint16', 'uint32', 'uint64', 'uint8', 'utf', 'utf-8', 'utf8'}
- static simplify_cpd_type(cpd_type)
Transform a list of DtypeSpecs into a list of strings. Use for simple representation of compound type and validation.
- Parameters:
cpd_type (list) – The list of DtypeSpecs to simplify
- static check_dtype(dtype)
Check that the dtype string is a reference or a valid primary dtype.
- class hdmf.spec.spec.ConstructableDict
- classmethod build_const_args(spec_dict)
Build constructor arguments for this ConstructableDict class from a dictionary
- classmethod build_spec(spec_dict)
Build a Spec object from the given Spec dict
- class hdmf.spec.spec.Spec(doc, name=None, required=True, parent=None)
A base specification class
- Parameters:
- property doc
Documentation on what this Spec is specifying
- property name
The name of the object being specified
- property parent
The parent specification of this specification
- classmethod build_const_args(spec_dict)
Build constructor arguments for this Spec class from a dictionary
- property path
- class hdmf.spec.spec.RefSpec(target_type, reftype)
- Parameters:
- property target_type
The data_type of the target of the reference
- property reftype
The type of reference
- class hdmf.spec.spec.AttributeSpec(name, doc, dtype, shape=None, dims=None, required=True, parent=None, value=None, default_value=None)
Specification for attributes
- Parameters:
name (
) – The name of this attributedoc (
) – a description about what this specification representsrequired (
) – whether or not this attribute is required. ignored when “value” is specifiedparent (
) – the parent of this specvalue (None) – a constant value for this attribute
default_value (None) – a default value for this attribute
- property dtype
The data type of the attribute
- property value
The constant value of the attribute. “None” if this attribute is not constant
- property default_value
The default value of the attribute. “None” if this attribute has no default value
- property required
True if this attribute is required, False otherwise.
- property dims
The dimensions of this attribute’s value
- property shape
The shape of this attribute’s value
- classmethod build_const_args(spec_dict)
Build constructor arguments for this Spec class from a dictionary
- class hdmf.spec.spec.BaseStorageSpec(doc, name=None, default_name=None, attributes=[], linkable=True, quantity=1, data_type_def=None, data_type_inc=None)
A specification for any object that can hold attributes.
- Parameters:
doc (
) – a description about what this specification representsname (
) – the name of this base storage container, allowed only if quantity is not ‘+’ or ‘*’default_name (
) – The default name of this base storage container, used only if name is Noneattributes (
) – the attributes on this grouplinkable (
) – whether or not this group can be linkedquantity (
) – the required number of allowed instancedata_type_def (
) – the data type this specification representsdata_type_inc (
) – the data type this specification extends
- property default_name
The default name for this spec
- property resolved
- property required
Whether or not the this spec represents a required field
- resolve_spec(inc_spec)
Add attributes from the inc_spec to this spec and track which attributes are new and overridden.
- Parameters:
inc_spec (
) – the data type this specification represents
- is_inherited_spec(spec)
Return True if this spec was inherited from the parent type, False otherwise.
Returns False if the spec is not found.
- Parameters:
spec (
) – the specification to check
- is_overridden_spec(spec)
Return True if this spec overrides a specification from the parent type, False otherwise.
Returns False if the spec is not found.
- Parameters:
spec (
) – the specification to check
- is_inherited_attribute(name)
Return True if the attribute was inherited from the parent type, False otherwise.
Raises a ValueError if the spec is not found.
- Parameters:
name (
) – the name of the attribute to check
- is_overridden_attribute(name)
Return True if the given attribute overrides the specification from the parent, False otherwise.
Raises a ValueError if the spec is not found.
- Parameters:
name (
) – the name of the attribute to check
- is_many()
- classmethod get_data_type_spec(data_type_def)
- classmethod get_namespace_spec()
- property attributes
Tuple of attribute specifications for this specification
- property linkable
True if object can be a link, False otherwise
- classmethod id_key()
Get the key used to store data ID on an instance
Override this method to use a different name for ‘object_id’
- classmethod type_key()
Get the key used to store data type on an instance
Override this method to use a different name for ‘data_type’. HDMF supports combining schema that uses ‘data_type’ and at most one different name for ‘data_type’.
- classmethod inc_key()
Get the key used to define a data_type include.
Override this method to use a different keyword for ‘data_type_inc’. HDMF supports combining schema that uses ‘data_type_inc’ and at most one different name for ‘data_type_inc’.
- classmethod def_key()
Get the key used to define a data_type definition.
Override this method to use a different keyword for ‘data_type_def’ HDMF supports combining schema that uses ‘data_type_def’ and at most one different name for ‘data_type_def’.
- property data_type_inc
The data type this specification inherits
- property data_type_def
The data type this specification defines
- property data_type
The data type of this specification
- property quantity
The number of times the object being specified should be present
- add_attribute(name, doc, dtype, shape=None, dims=None, required=True, parent=None, value=None, default_value=None)
Add an attribute to this specification
- Parameters:
name (
) – The name of this attributedoc (
) – a description about what this specification representsrequired (
) – whether or not this attribute is required. ignored when “value” is specifiedparent (
) – the parent of this specvalue (None) – a constant value for this attribute
default_value (None) – a default value for this attribute
- set_attribute(spec)
Set an attribute on this specification
- Parameters:
spec (
) – the specification for the attribute to add
- get_attribute(name)
Get an attribute on this specification
- Parameters:
name (
) – the name of the attribute to the Spec for
- classmethod build_const_args(spec_dict)
Build constructor arguments for this Spec class from a dictionary
- class hdmf.spec.spec.DtypeSpec(name, doc, dtype)
A class for specifying a component of a compound type
- Parameters:
- property doc
Documentation about this component
- property name
The name of this component
- property dtype
The data type of this component
- static assertValidDtype(dtype)
- static check_valid_dtype(dtype)
- classmethod build_const_args(spec_dict)
Build constructor arguments for this Spec class from a dictionary
- class hdmf.spec.spec.DatasetSpec(doc, dtype=None, name=None, default_name=None, shape=None, dims=None, attributes=[], linkable=True, quantity=1, default_value=None, value=None, data_type_def=None, data_type_inc=None)
Specification for datasets
To specify a table-like dataset i.e. a compound data type.
- Parameters:
doc (
) – a description about what this specification representsdtype (
) – The data type of this attribute. Use a list of DtypeSpecs to specify a compound data type.name (
) – The name of this datasetdefault_name (
) – The default name of this datasetattributes (
) – the attributes on this grouplinkable (
) – whether or not this group can be linkedquantity (
) – the required number of allowed instancedefault_value (None) – a default value for this dataset
value (None) – a fixed value for this dataset
data_type_def (
) – the data type this specification representsdata_type_inc (
) – the data type this specification extends
- resolve_spec(inc_spec)
- Parameters:
inc_spec (
) – the data type this specification represents
- property dims
The dimensions of this Dataset
- property dtype
The data type of the Dataset
- property shape
The shape of the dataset
- property default_value
The default value of the dataset or None if not specified
- property value
The fixed value of the dataset or None if not specified
- classmethod dtype_spec_cls()
The class to use when constructing DtypeSpec objects
Override this if extending to use a class other than DtypeSpec to build dataset specifications
- classmethod build_const_args(spec_dict)
Build constructor arguments for this Spec class from a dictionary
- class hdmf.spec.spec.LinkSpec(doc, target_type, quantity=1, name=None)
- Parameters:
- property target_type
The data type of target specification
- property data_type_inc
The data type of target specification
- is_many()
- property quantity
The number of times the object being specified should be present
- property required
Whether or not the this spec represents a required field
- class hdmf.spec.spec.GroupSpec(doc, name=None, default_name=None, groups=[], datasets=[], attributes=[], links=[], linkable=True, quantity=1, data_type_def=None, data_type_inc=None)
Specification for groups
- Parameters:
doc (
) – a description about what this specification representsname (
) – the name of the Group that is written to the file. If this argument is omitted, users will be required to enter aname
field when creating instances of this data type in the API. Another option is to specifydefault_name
, in which case this name will be used as the name of the Group if no other name is provided.default_name (
) – The default name of this groupgroups (
) – the subgroups in this groupdatasets (
) – the datasets in this groupattributes (
) – the attributes on this grouplinks (
) – the links in this grouplinkable (
) – whether or not this group can be linkedquantity (
) – the allowable number of instance of this group in a certain location. See table of options here. Note that if youspecifyname
cannot be'*'
, or an integer greater that 1, because you cannot have more than one group of the same name in the same parent group.data_type_def (
) – the data type this specification representsdata_type_inc (
) – the data type this specification data_type_inc
- resolve_spec(inc_spec)
- Parameters:
inc_spec (
) – the data type this specification represents
- is_inherited_dataset(name)
Return true if a dataset with the given name was inherited
- Parameters:
name (
) – the name of the dataset
- is_overridden_dataset(name)
Return true if a dataset with the given name overrides a specification from the parent type
- Parameters:
name (
) – the name of the dataset
- is_inherited_group(name)
Return true if a group with the given name was inherited
- Parameters:
name (
) – the name of the group
- is_overridden_group(name)
Return true if a group with the given name overrides a specification from the parent type
- Parameters:
name (
) – the name of the group
- is_inherited_link(name)
Return true if a link with the given name was inherited
- Parameters:
name (
) – the name of the link
- is_overridden_link(name)
Return true if a link with the given name overrides a specification from the parent type
- Parameters:
name (
) – the name of the link
- is_inherited_spec(spec)
Returns ‘True’ if specification was inherited from a parent type
- Parameters:
spec (
) – the specification to check
- is_overridden_spec(spec)
Returns ‘True’ if specification overrides a specification from the parent type
- Parameters:
spec (
) – the specification to check
- is_inherited_type(spec)
Returns True if spec represents a data type that was inherited
- Parameters:
spec (
) – the specification to check
- is_overridden_type(spec)
Returns True if spec represents a data type that overrides a specification from a parent type
- Parameters:
spec (
) – the specification to check
- is_inherited_target_type(spec)
Returns True if spec represents a target type that was inherited
- is_overridden_target_type(spec)
Returns True if spec represents a target type that overrides a specification from a parent type
- get_data_type(data_type)
Get a specification by “data_type”
NOTE: If there is only one spec for a given data type, then it is returned. If there are multiple specs for a given data type and they are all named, then they are returned in a list. If there are multiple specs for a given data type and only one is unnamed, then the unnamed spec is returned. The other named specs can be returned using get_group or get_dataset.
NOTE: this method looks for an exact match of the data type and does not consider the type hierarchy.
- Parameters:
data_type (
) – the data_type to retrieve
- get_target_type(target_type)
Get a specification by “target_type”
NOTE: If there is only one spec for a given target type, then it is returned. If there are multiple specs for a given target type and they are all named, then they are returned in a list. If there are multiple specs for a given target type and only one is unnamed, then the unnamed spec is returned. The other named specs can be returned using get_link.
NOTE: this method looks for an exact match of the target type and does not consider the type hierarchy.
- Parameters:
target_type (
) – the target_type to retrieve
- property groups
The groups specified in this GroupSpec
- property datasets
The datasets specified in this GroupSpec
- property links
The links specified in this GroupSpec
- add_group(doc, name=None, default_name=None, groups=[], datasets=[], attributes=[], links=[], linkable=True, quantity=1, data_type_def=None, data_type_inc=None)
Add a new specification for a subgroup to this group specification
- Parameters:
doc (
) – a description about what this specification representsname (
) – the name of the Group that is written to the file. If this argument is omitted, users will be required to enter aname
field when creating instances of this data type in the API. Another option is to specifydefault_name
, in which case this name will be used as the name of the Group if no other name is provided.default_name (
) – The default name of this groupgroups (
) – the subgroups in this groupdatasets (
) – the datasets in this groupattributes (
) – the attributes on this grouplinks (
) – the links in this grouplinkable (
) – whether or not this group can be linkedthe allowable number of instance of this group in a certain location. See table of options here. Note that if youspecify
cannot be'*'
, or an integer greater that 1, because you cannot have more than one group of the same name in the same parent group.data_type_def (
) – the data type this specification representsdata_type_inc (
) – the data type this specification data_type_inc
- set_group(spec)
Add the given specification for a subgroup to this group specification
- Parameters:
spec (
) – the specification for the subgroup
- get_group(name)
Get a specification for a subgroup to this group specification
- Parameters:
name (
) – the name of the group to the Spec for
- add_dataset(doc, dtype=None, name=None, default_name=None, shape=None, dims=None, attributes=[], linkable=True, quantity=1, default_value=None, value=None, data_type_def=None, data_type_inc=None)
Add a new specification for a dataset to this group specification
- Parameters:
doc (
) – a description about what this specification representsdtype (
) – The data type of this attribute. Use a list of DtypeSpecs to specify a compound data type.name (
) – The name of this datasetdefault_name (
) – The default name of this datasetattributes (
) – the attributes on this grouplinkable (
) – whether or not this group can be linkedquantity (
) – the required number of allowed instancedefault_value (None) – a default value for this dataset
value (None) – a fixed value for this dataset
data_type_def (
) – the data type this specification representsdata_type_inc (
) – the data type this specification extends
- set_dataset(spec)
Add the given specification for a dataset to this group specification
- Parameters:
spec (
) – the specification for the dataset
- get_dataset(name)
Get a specification for a dataset to this group specification
- Parameters:
name (
) – the name of the dataset to the Spec for
- add_link(doc, target_type, quantity=1, name=None)
Add a new specification for a link to this group specification
- set_link(spec)
Add a given specification for a link to this group specification
- Parameters:
spec (
) – the specification for the object to link to
- get_link(name)
Get a specification for a link to this group specification
- Parameters:
name (
) – the name of the link to the Spec for
- classmethod dataset_spec_cls()
The class to use when constructing DatasetSpec objects
Override this if extending to use a class other than DatasetSpec to build dataset specifications
- classmethod link_spec_cls()
The class to use when constructing LinkSpec objects
Override this if extending to use a class other than LinkSpec to build link specifications
- classmethod build_const_args(spec_dict)
Build constructor arguments for this Spec class from a dictionary