DynamicTable Tutorial

This is a tutorial for interacting with DynamicTable objects. This tutorial is written for beginners and does not describe the full capabilities and nuances of DynamicTable functionality. Please see the DynamicTable How-To Guide for more complete documentation. This tutorial is designed to give you basic familiarity with how DynamicTable works and help you get started with creating a DynamicTable, adding columns and rows to a DynamicTable, and accessing data in a DynamicTable.


The DynamicTable class represents a column-based table to which you can add custom columns. It consists of a name, a description, a list of row IDs, and a list of columns.

Constructing a table

To create a DynamicTable, call the constructor for DynamicTable with a string name and string description.

from hdmf.common import DynamicTable

users_table = DynamicTable(
    description='a table containing data/metadata about users, one user per row',

Adding columns

You can add columns to a DynamicTable using DynamicTable.add_column.

    description='the first name of the user',

    description='the last name of the user',

Adding ragged array columns

You may want to add columns to your table that have a different number of entries per row. This is called a “ragged array column”. To do this, pass index=True to DynamicTable.add_column.

    description='the phone number of the user',

Adding rows

You can add rows to a DynamicTable using DynamicTable.add_row. You must pass in a keyword argument for every column in the table. Ragged array column arguments should be passed in as lists or numpy arrays. The ID of the row will automatically be set and incremented for every row, starting at 0.

# id will be set to 0 automatically

# id will be set to 1 automatically
    phone_number=['555-666-7777', '888-111-2222'],

Displaying the table contents as a pandas DataFrame

pandas is a popular data analysis tool for working with tabular data. Convert your DynamicTable to a pandas DataFrame using DynamicTable.to_dataframe.

users_df = users_table.to_dataframe()
first_name last_name phone_number
0 Grace Hopper [123-456-7890]
1 Alan Turing [555-666-7777, 888-111-2222]

Accessing the table as a DataFrame provides you with powerful methods for indexing, selecting, and querying tabular data from pandas.

Get the “last_name” column as a pandas Series:

0    Hopper
1    Turing
Name: last_name, dtype: object

The index of the DataFrame is automatically set to the table IDs. Get the row with ID = 0 as a pandas Series:

first_name               Grace
last_name               Hopper
phone_number    [123-456-7890]
Name: 0, dtype: object

Get single cells of the table by indexing with both ID and column name:

print('My first user:', users_df.loc[0, 'first_name'], users_df.loc[0, 'last_name'])
My first user: Grace Hopper

Adding columns that reference rows of other DynamicTable objects

You can create a column that references rows of another DynamicTable. This is analogous to a foreign key in a relational database. To do this, use the table keyword argument for DynamicTable.add_column and set it to the other table.

# create a new table of users
users_table = DynamicTable(
    description='a table containing data/metadata about users, one user per row',

# add simple columns to this table
    description='the first name of the user',
    description='the last name of the user',

# create a new table of addresses to reference
addresses_table = DynamicTable(
    description='a table containing data/metadata about addresses, one address per row',
    description='the street number and address',
    description='the city of the address',

# add rows to the addresses table
    street_address='123 Main St',
    street_address='45 British Way',

# add a column to the users table that references rows of the addresses table
    description='the address of the user',

# add rows to the users table
    address=0  # <-- row index of the address table

    address=1  # <-- row index of the address table

Displaying the contents of a table with references to another table

Earlier, we converted a DynamicTable to a DataFrame using DynamicTable.to_dataframe and printed the DataFrame to see its contents. This also works when the DynamicTable contains a column that references another table. However, the entries for this column for each row will be printed as a nested DataFrame. This can be difficult to read, so to view only the row indices of the referenced table, pass index=True to DynamicTable.to_dataframe.

users_df = users_table.to_dataframe(index=True)
first_name last_name address
0 Grace Hopper 0
1 Alan Turing 1

You can then access the referenced table using the table attribute of the column object. This is useful when reading a table from a file where you may not have a variable to access the referenced table.

First, use DynamicTable.__getitem__ (square brackets notation) to get the DynamicTableRegion object representing the column. Then access its table attribute to get the addresses table and convert the table to a DataFrame.

address_column = users_table['address']
read_addresses_table = address_column.table
addresses_df = read_addresses_table.to_dataframe()

Get the addresses corresponding to the rows of the users table:

address_indices = users_df['address']  # pandas Series of row indices into the addresses table
addresses_df.iloc[address_indices]  # use .iloc because these are row indices not ID values
street_address city
0 123 Main St Springfield
1 45 British Way London


The indices returned by users_df['address'] are row indices and not the ID values of the table. However, if you are using default IDs, these values will be the same.

You now know the basics of creating DynamicTable objects and reading data from them, including tables that have ragged array columns and references to other tables. Learn more about working with DynamicTable in the DynamicTable How-To Guide, including:

  • ragged array columns with references to other tables

  • nested ragged array columns

  • columns with multidimensional array data

  • columns with enumerated (categorical) data

  • accessing data and properties from the column objects directly

  • writing and reading tables to a file

  • writing expandable tables

  • defining subclasses of DynamicTable

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